DropTik.io - is an independent service that provides functionality to download TikTok videos from a URL. Please be aware that our activities have no basis in official connections, partnerships, licensing agreements, or any other form of endorsement or approval from ByteDance Technology Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. We recognize and respect intellectual property rights, including copyright, and strictly adhere to the principles of legality under applicable international law.


This disclaimer governs your use of our website; by using this web resource, you accept the terms of this disclaimer in full. If you disagree with any part of this statement, you must immediately exit the website and stop visiting it.

The infrastructure and services provided by DropTik.io for video downloading are intended only for personal, non-commercial use. Website visitors must respect the intellectual property rights of TikTok and its content creators. The user is responsible for ensuring that any material downloaded through our service complies with all applicable copyright and intellectual property laws.

You agree to use our website only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others. Abuse of the web resource's services, including but not limited to downloading copyrighted content without a copyright owner's permission, is strictly prohibited.

All content downloaded through DropTik.io remains the property of the copyright owner. It is the user's responsibility to obtain necessary permissions for any use beyond personal, non-commercial purposes.

DropTik.io gives no comments or guaranties of any kind, express or implied, concerning this website or the information and materials present thereon.

We reserve the right to revise this disclaimer at any time. Please check the website regularly to ensure you are aware of the current version.

It follows from the above that visitors who use the functionality of our website are fully responsible for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations concerning video content exploitation, including compliance with the TikTok platform requirements and international copyright laws. If you have questions about this disclaimer, please contact us at contact@droptik.io.

Last updated December 19, 2023